3D render showing gabion terraces with raised vegetable beds, sloped wildflower meadow dividing sections, gravel garden fire circle.

3D render view from the gravel garden dining terrace looking up to the gabion terraced vegetable beds up the slope.

March 2022

3D render showing gabion terraces with raised vegetable beds, sloped wildflower meadow dividing sections, gravel garden fire circle.
Living Garden
Garden Design,
East Sussex
The Robertsbridge Community College Living Garden is a vegetable and sensory garden located on a steeply sloped site.
Vegetable beds are situated on south facing terraces retained by gabions, and are accessed via wheelchair accessible resin-bound gravel ramps and paths. Sensory gravel garden areas surround a dining terrace and outdoor cooking shelter with a pizza oven & BBQ. The upper terrace also has a sensory gravel garden area with views down over the whole garden.
This garden is awaiting construction while the college fundraises for the project. The existing site had some previous rudimentary terracing which has been incorporated into the new design.
School & Community Vegetable & Sensory Garden
Robertsbridge Community College, East Sussex
Designed April 2022, yet to be constructed.
Brightling, Hurst Green, Heathfield, Etchingham, Burwash, Battle, Ticehurst, Hawkhurst