Raised beds with a built in seat, decking platform with raised beds and a pergola over, water feature with tiled splashback and copper spouts.

Deck platform seating area, steps down to main deck, view to paving and pergola

View from Side Platform

Raised beds with a built in seat, decking platform with raised beds and a pergola over, water feature with tiled splashback and copper spouts.
City Courtyard Garden
Garden Design,
Brighton & Hove
This small city courtyard garden in Brighton had several awkward changes in level, it needed a total redesign with storage space for kids toys built in.
The new scheme has a raised deck covered by a pergola for privacy at the end of the garden. It has raised beds at the back with built-in seats, one of which opens for storage, and includes a built in water-blade water feature in the supporting wall with patterned tile splashback. The end planter has a feature tile insert on the side by the gate.
From the bi-folding doors of the house you step onto a slightly raised area of decking and from here to paving. Raised beds with white rendered walls and stone capping, cloth the existing wall with plants. A built in seat with a deck 'lid' which opens to offer storage beneath, provides seating on one side of the dining table. The existing brick wall has horizontal slatted trellis added on top to increase privacy.
Down the side alley an Ipe hardwood deck platform leads to patio doors to the lounge, and the underside boxed in by 'vertical decking', with a cupboard door to allow access and storage underneath.
The garden is currently awaiting construction in Spring 2021.
Rear Garden
Brighton, East Sussex
Spring 2021
Hove, Lewes, Ditchling, Saltdean